Free Charles D. Raby

Sentenced to death in 1994 for a murder he did not commit, Charles Raby, a member of the Choctaw Nation, remains on Texas death row.

DNA Excludes Charles. Post-conviction DNA testing on blood from under the victim's fingernails did not match Charles's DNA.

No Physical Evidence. Nothing at the crime scene was connected to Charles. Charles had no scratches/cuts on him nor was blood found on his clothes.

False Confession. Prosecutors relied on a written confession signed only after detectives made it clear they could have Charles's fiancee charged and her new born child placed in foster care.


Murderville, Texas

Great news! Charles's case is featured on the podcast "Murderville" season 2 from The Intercept. Reporters Liliana Segura and Jordan Smith previously investigated another murder case on season 1.

Key Points